Did you know 80% of people will get back pain bad enough to stop them from working at least once in their lifetime. However only 1-2% of patients with back pain will have a serious underlying issue such as fractures, cancer, infections or nerve compressions. In most cases of back pain MRIs are not needed and it is normal to see things like disc bulges, annular tears and facet joint arthrosis on these scans from our second decade in life onwards.
Back pain can be turned
up or down by the nervous system with things like stress, lack of sleep and poor physical fitness contributing to the sensitivity of the nervous system and therefore the level of pain experienced. Here at Mayo Medical Centre we provide one on one physiotherapy sessions aimed at providing a long lasting cure for your back pain. We use evidence informed treatment individually tailored for all patients to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life thus allowing you to move with more freedom.
A one on one session costing €60 lasts for 45 minutes and includes manual and exercise therapy along with patient education. Call us today on 094 90 20202 to book an appointment with David and please remember to mention the back care programme when booking.